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Money Exchange in Goa
Money Exchange in GoaThe standard currency unit in Goa and the rest of India is the Indian Rupee (Re. or Rs). Each rupee is equivalent to 100 paise. The Indian Rupee is issued in the denominations of Rs 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5. The common denominations for the coins are Rs 5, Rs 2 and Re 1. One should carry some money in small denominations for routine transactions such as tipping, buying bus tickets and shopping.
Foreigners descending in Goa should change their currency into the Indian Rupees as per the latest exchange rates. Traveler's checks, credit cards, etc are the other common modes of money exchange in Goa. Most of the reputed hotels and resorts offer the services of money exchange in Goa.