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Local Transport

Local Transport in GoaAs a prominent tourist hub, Goa is endowed with an efficient local transport infrastructure. One can choose from a number of transport options while getting around different tourist destinations in Goa.

By Bus

The road network in Goa is fairly extensive and all the prominent tourist places enjoy good connectivity. The national Highways NH 4A, NH 17 and NH 17A run through the state. Buses operated by private operators and the state road transport corporation ply to different nook and corners of Goa. Bus rides can be an enjoyable affair if you can chat up a Goan.

By Car

If you are looking for a hassle free ride and money is not an issue, you can opt for rental car services. There are a number of car rental companies that offer both self and chauffeur driven cars. Tourist taxis are another preferred mode of travel and they are available near most hotels and tourist spots.

By Auto Rickshaws

These three-wheeled vehicles exclusive to the Indian sub-continent provide a cheap yet convenient mode of transport. Most of the towns have dedicated auto rickshaw stands. Even though they are supposed to charge fares according to the installed meters, auto rickshaw drivers usually resort to bargaining with commuters.

By Motorcycle Taxis

Motorcycle taxis are a unique mode of transport in Goa and particularly suitable for solitary tourists. A driver known as the 'pilot' rides the motorcycle and carries only one pillion rider at a time.

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