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India > Goa > Goa festivals

Goa festivals

Goa festivals are an integral part of the state's culture and heritage. Among the festivals of Goa, some are steeped in religious undertones while the others are expressions of the fun-loving nature of the people. The long colonial rule of the Portuguese notwithstanding, the majority of the Goans are Hindus and as such they celebrate most of the traditional festivals.

Ganesh Chaturthi is the most important festival of the state and is marked by religious observations and rituals. The sizeable Christian community in Goa too celebrate their festivals with fervor and gaiety. Among these, the feast of St. Francis Xavier is the most auspicious one and devotees from all over the world come to Goa to pay homage to St. Francis Xavier, Goa's patron saint.

The Goa carnival is the most famous festival of Goa known the world over for fascinating parades and colorful celebrations.

Bonderam Festival
Feast of St. Francis
Feast of Three Kings
Ganesh Chaturthi in Goa
Goa Carnival

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