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Tourism > India > Goa > Goa Festivals >Feast of Three Kings

Feast of Three Kings

Location Reis Magos church, Verem and the Chapel of Our Lady of Cures, Cansaulim
Celebrated on January 6
Significance Dedicated to the Lady of the Mount

Feast of Three Kings GoaThe Feast of Three Kings is unique among the scores of Christian festivals celebrated in Goa. The festival, also known as the Festa dos Reis or the Holy Epiphany, is celebrated in many parts of Goa but the most colorful ones are held in the Reis Magos church in Verem and the chapel of Our Lady of Cures in Cansaulim.


The festival is dedicated to the Lady of the Mount who is revered by pious devotees for her miraculous powers and blessings. The chapel of Our Lady of Cures is located atop a small hillock that can be reached by traversing a steep flight of steps. On the occasion of the Feast of Three Kings the otherwise deserted chapel springs to life as devotees make their way up the hill to take part in the celebrations.

The festive celebrations continue for nine days and reach the pinnacle on the Festa dos Reis or the Feast of Three Kings on January 6. On this day, as part of the celebrations, three young boys from the three neighboring villages of Quelim, Cansaulim and Arrosim are chosen as kings. Mounted on white steeds and resplendent in royal insignia, the three young monarchs lead three processions up the hill. After having reached the chapel, the kings took the special seats of honor and assist at the High Mass.

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