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Tourism > India > Andra Pradesh > Monuments Of Andhrapradesh >Purani Haveli

Purani Haveli


Purani Haveli in Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh was the official home of the Nizam. It lies in the southeast of Afzal Gunj Bridge in Hyderabad. It was also known as the Haveli Khadeem, which literally means old mansion. The Purani Haveli was constructed by Ali Khan Bahadur, Asaf Jha II for his son Sikander Jha, Asaf Jha III.

Purani Haveli is a U shaped complex with one storey built in the European style and surrounded by two double storied rhombus wings corresponding to each other while the residential palace is located perpendicularly in the center. The main building is somewhat similar to the 18th century European palaces. In the palace compound there is the Nizam`s museum, which is, dedicated to the last Nizam of Hyderabad.

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