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Place Du Gouvernement in Pondicherry

When you are in a tour of sightseeing in Pondicherry, then the historical place that you must not forget to see is the Place Du Gouvernement in Pondicherry. This place is Pondicherry has a conglomeration of buildings having equally immense political and historical importance. Here you will find the Palais Du Gouvernement-now known as Raj Niwas. Once upon a time here you would have found the Hotel de la Compagnie, the head-quarter of the French trading company which was the first to make a French settlement in Pondicherry in 1674. When Dupleix became the Governor General of Pondicherry on behalf of the French government, then this building served as his residence. With the passage of time, after the French is out of India, now you will find the Lieutenant Governor of Pondicherry to be the famous resident of this building. However, you will not be allowed to enter the Raj Niwas, if you are not visiting it on the Republic Day or the Independence Day, but you can have a look at the magnificent structure by standing outside the huge gates, guarded by police guards. The buildings which served as tribunals during the French supremacy now house the Legislative Assembly of Pondicherry.

At the center of the Place Du Gouvernement in Pondicherry you will find the Water Monument. This monument serves as a remainder of the time when fresh drinking water was introduced for the Pondicherry population for the first time. In the Latin and the Tamil inscriptions inscribed over the monument you will find the story. The beautiful garden encircling the Water Monument adds to the glamour and grandeur of the place.

Another thing that you can see at the Place Du Gouvernement in Pondicherry is the beautiful pillars of the Gingee Fort. When the fort was captured in 1751, these pillars were brought from there and relocated at the Place Du Gouvernement in Pondicherry thus adorning this historical place with glamour. So, when you are on a trip to Pondicherry, pay your tribute to the history of Pondicherry by visiting the Place Du Gouvernement of Pondicherry.

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