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Moti Doongri temple (Ganesh temple)

Moti Doongri Temple

Moti Doongri temple in Jaipur is quite famous for the tourists for its mind blowing location and excellent beauty. It is situated almost in the centre of the pink city. Moti Dungri Hill swanks of an striking palace that belonged to the son of Maharaja Madho Singh and is still a private property of the royal family and visitors are not allowed inside the premises of the palace. This temple lies near the premises of the palace. Rajmata Gayatri Devi and his son Jagat Singh used to live there.

It is built as a replica of the Scottish castle. However, it is the Ganesh temple, which is most famous here. It is situated quite close to the Moti Doongri fort, which was converted to a small palace by Ram Singh II and Gayatri Devi.

Keeping in mind the secular nature of the country, the temple has three domes, which represent different approaches to religion. It is a beautiful white marble temple, which seems to glow at night. The architectural style in which the temple is built is a pleasing amalgamation of Western, Hindu and Muslim architectural traits.

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