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India > Pondicherry >Masthan Saheb Darga

Masthan Saheb Darga

While you are on a trip of Sightseeing in Pondicherry, then you will find lots of Tourist Attractions in Pondicherry. Masthan Saheb Darga in Pondicherry is one of the spots that attract lots of tourists from all over the world to Pondicherry.

When you go for a Trip to Pondicherry then you must give a visit to the Masthan Saheb Darga in Pondicherry, where you will hear interesting stories about the Sufi saint Masthan Saheb Syed Dawood Buhari as well as about the Darga. This revered Sufi saint came to Karaikal more than two centuries ago. He is known to have various miracles attributed to him. He had saved the lives of many people and helped people from major problems. The Masthan Saheb Darga in Pondicherry is believed to be raised in the place where he used to stay. All the local people use to come to him for help and he was highly regarded for his spiritual powers that he used for the welfare of humans. This 'fakir' died at the age of 120 in the year 1829.

On your visit to the Masthan Saheb Darga of Pondicherry, you will find this darga to represent a typical Islamic architecture along with glimpses of Tamil style. The best time when you should visit the Masthan Saheb Darga at Pondicherry is during the month of November. This is because at this time of the year the Kandhuri Festival is held at the darga. This festival is being celebrated for over 170 years in commemoration of the saint.

If you are at the darga during the celebration of the festival then you can see the pomp, splendor and respect with which the saint is remembered during this time. The festival, that starts sometime in the month of November begin the hoisting of a huge flag on a pole. This indicates to the sea-faring tradition of Pondicherry since it resembles the mast of a ship. The celebration has Sufi music, fair accompanied by a spectacle of floats, which are adorned with electric lights.

The Department of Tourism in Pondicherry with an aim of increasing tourist inflow in Pondicherry has now taken up the project of lighting up the Masthan Saheb Darga in Pondicherry along with the other religious spots.

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