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Tourism > India > Karnatka > Karnataka Districts > Kodagu District

Kodagu District

Kodagu is a region of steep mountains. It is the name of the district in south India in Karnataka.

The word Kodagu is derived from `kudu` (Kannada language) meaning steep or hilly and `Krodha-desa` taken from in the Puranas, meaning `Land of Anger`. It is also said that Kodagu is derived from the word `Kodava` Kod means `give` and avva means `mother` which is mother Kaveri, the river Kaveri.

Kodagu is a region formed by the summits of the Western Ghats. It is about sixty miles in length and forty in breadth. It comprises and occupies around one thousand five hundred and eighty five (1,585) square miles. Kodagu is endowed with a charming variety to the landscape.

Kodagu is covered by forest and is an ideal area for agriculture. There are coffee plantations, or ragi patch, or the park like open glades with their beautiful green sward and varied foliage. Kodagu is also a native land for a number of tribes like the Yeravas, Kurubas, Airies and Kudiyas.


The Kodavas were the most primitive agriculturists in Kodagu. Over centuries several South Indian dynasties, like the Kadambas, the Gangas, the Cholas, the Chalukyas, the Rastrakutas, the Hoysalas,and the Vijaynagar Rayas, ruled over Kodagu.

RastrakutasKodagu was the kingdom of the Hoysalas ruled from the 11th to the 14th century. The land was ruled by the Haleri Rajas of Kodagu from the 17th to the 19th century. Between 15th and 17th century Kodagu was ruled by Mysore Sultans who invaded this region.

In 1834 the Britishers took possession of Kodagu removing the last Haleri Raja. After independence Kodagu became a district of Karnataka State.

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