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India > Pondicherry >Karaikal Beach

Karaikal Beach

Pondicherry is one of the must-visit tourist spots in India. Pondicherry Overview shows that you will have no dearth of tourist attractions when you go for Sightseeing in Pondicherry like Aurobindo Ashram, Government Park, Pondicherry museum, churches, mosques, temples and beaches. Tourists flock to this place to experience the stunning Pondicherry Beaches. It is one of the most popular Tourist Attractions in Pondicherry. Among the various beaches in Pondicherry like Serenity beach, Plage Paradiso Beach and Mahe beach, Karaikal beach in Pondicherry gathers much attraction of the tourists.

Pondicherry Tourism acquired much of its popularity because of the Karaikal beach. You can access this beach easily from the main town of Pondicherry. It is a grand place to experience the day-break. The beautiful Arasalar River reaches out to the sea near the Karaikal beach in Pondicherry. If you want to get an outstanding view over the bay then Karaikal beach in Pondicherry is the ideal place for you. The sunrise from this beach looks absolutely stunning and striking. The soaring seagulls, vast expanse of blue water and the dazzling sands merge to create an appeal that is difficult to get in any other beaches in Pondicherry.

Karaikal beach in Pondicherry is popular for its serenity and tranquility. If you want to enjoy canoeing or kayaking in peace then this beach can be the perfect destination for you. You will surely have a quality time in the picturesque surrounding. Playing the beach sports in Karaikal beach in Pondicherry will add flavor to your enjoyment. You can enjoy playing volleyball with your friends in the beach. You will have to bring your own equipment for the sports you want to play. On the other hand, you can also take up an angling gear and spend the time in enjoyment. However, you must keep the beach clean and clear.

So, visit the Karaikal beach in Pondicherry and make your journey a memorable one.

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