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Tourism > India > Andra Pradesh > Monuments Of Andhrapradesh >Falaknuma Palace

Falaknuma Palace


The city of Hyderabad is replete with magnificent palaces and one such palace is the Falaknuma Palace. The Faluknama Palace is situated in the southern part of the old city of Hyderabad on a hill, which is situated at a height of six hundred and fifty meters above mean sea level.

The Falaknuma Palace is spread over an area of 9,39,712 square meters and was constructed over a period of seven years and was owned by the sixth Nizam of Hyderabad. The palace is spread out in the shape of a scorpion with two stings spread out as wings on the north. The main building is in the middle part while the Harem quarters and the kitchen are in the south.

The palace is built with Italian Marble and was designed by an Italian architect in western style. It is a unique blend of Italian and Tudor architecture. The palace has a treasure of rare article collected by the Nizam like paintings, furniture, manuscripts, books and statues. The Palace has a rare collection of jade. The palace has a library with a walnut carved roof, which resembles the Windsor Castle. The library has a well-off collection of the sacred Quran in India. At the entrance there are several old models of artillery. It also has several other unique things in the palace, which includes the largest Venetian chandeliers and a one hundred-seat dining table.

The Falaknuma Palace is now converted in to a heritage hotel by the Taj group of Hotel

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