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India > Pondicherry >Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus in Pondicherry

Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus in Pondicherry

While on a trip of sightseeing in Pondicherry, one building that you should not miss and also cannot miss is the Eglise de Sacre Coeur de Jesus in Pondicherry. This is also known by the name Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Even for a person who has come for a trip to Pondicherry the Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus in Pondicherry is hard to miss. This is because this Church is located just beyond the railway station and therefore no one can miss this grand building.

Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus in Pondicherry has all the characteristics of a Gothic Church. It has rose windows, twin spires and a huge exterior. Another thing that has made this Church special is the use of color. The colors are striking mix of deep red, dark green along with the serenity of white.

When you enter the Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus at Pondicherry, you will find the interior of the Church has a wonderful mix of both European and Indian architecture. While the walls are adorned with beautiful terracotta crafts, you will also come across stained glass paintings. The most eye catching stained glass art form that you can see at the Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus in Pondicherry is imbibed at the windows that you can find on the either side of the church. Here you will find the painting of a saint in each window, remarkable by the presence of Joan of Arc. Though you will find that time has taken its toll on these windows by cracking them or tearing away a piece or two, yet the beauty is still worth watching. Equally stunning are the terracotta works encircling the glass windows. This feature is typical south Indian! Another unique piece of art in the Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus in Pondicherry is the statue of Madonna at the right side of the high altar. The most unique thing about the statue is that it is draped in a bright blue nylon sari.

Since you do not have to pay any money for entering the Eglise de Sacre Coeur De Jesus of Pondicherry, and you can drop in here at any time between sunrise and sunset, therefore on a trip to Pondicherry you can pray as well as praise the remaining beauty of this old Church.

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