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Tourism > India > Andra Pradesh > Monuments Of Andhrapradesh >Purani Haveli

Bella Vista


Bella Vista is a royal palace located in the south Indian city of Hyderabad. A great work done by the French architect, Bella Vista still murmurs the sighs of history. The sweeping curved arches and the sheen of the pale white marbles offers somewhat a utopian feel to the palace. Standing as an emblem of the royalty of yore, the Bella vista palace is as if a dreamland where history still whispers the saga of shattered dreams, rivalries, intrigues and lost love of the Nizams.

The palace was constructed in 1910 on the lines of the Henley on Thames of England. Bella Vista literally means beautiful sight because the palace looks across the Hussain Sagar Lake. French architect designed the building. This palace was the residence of heirs to the throne of Hyderabad namely Prince of Berar, Nawab Mir Himayat Ali Khan, Azam Jah Bahadur, the elder son of the Seventh Nizam and Mir Osman Ali Khan.

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