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India > Andra Pradesh >Andhra Pradesh Culture

Andhra Pradesh Culture

Kuchipudi Dance Andhra PradeshThe rich and varied culture of Andhra Pradesh can be perceived from its melodious music, scintillating dances, delectable cuisine, ingenious arts &crafts, glorious religions and wonderful people. In the earlier times, the state was ruled by several dynasties and empires, which influenced its cultural heritage. Eventually, Andhra Pradesh culture became rich and creative with the touch of diverse civilizations.

In the world of creativity, Andhra Pradesh has procured a high position with its work of art. The state is undoubtedly a prized gem in the crown of the Indian glory. The ethnicity of the state is also visible from the different communities and religions followed by them. The relishing dishes of Andhra cuisine boast of the 'Nawabi' style of the royalty. Following links will throw light on the various aspects of Andhra culture.

Art and Craft
Andhra Pradesh Dances
Andhra Pradesh People
Andhra Pradesh Religions

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