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India > Andra Pradesh > Andhra Pradesh Religions

Andhra Pradesh Religions


Andhra Pradesh ReligionsAndhraites are highly pious people, who follow their religion with the highest regard. In Andhra Pradesh, the major religions are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. Around the state, you can find people following different religious practices, along with their own notions and customs. Numerous temples, mosques, churches and stupas thrive in the expanse of the state. However, Hinduism is the major religion that is followed by maximum number of people. Muslims are by and large concentrated in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The tribals follow their own religion and worship nature. Here is given brief information on the major religions in Andhra Pradesh.


Hindus comprise of 'Brahmins', 'Kshatriyas', 'Vaishyas' and 'Shudras'. There are many tribes that cannot be sorted out, but form an integral part of the Hindu community.


Muslims comprise 'Shaik', 'Syed', 'Mughal' and 'Pathan'. However, these people can be found anywhere in Andhra Pradesh, yet majority of them are found in and around Hyderabad and Secunderabad.


Although Christianity doesn't make out any caste system, yet there are many castes to be found amongst Christians of Andhra Pradesh. Maximum number of people following Christianity in the state are converted Christians.


During the 1st century AD, Buddhism is believed to have flourished in Andhra Pradesh. Buddhism is today the fourth major religion followed here.

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