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India Tourism
India > Rajasthan > Udaipur


Lake Pichola with island palaces Jag Mandir and Jag Nivas, city palace and museum - access from Tripoli gate, Government museum, Archaeological museum, Jagdish temple, Saheliom ki Bari garden, Fateh Sagar lake and Pratap memorial, Ahar - centographs, Sajjan nivas, Machchalaya Magra, Dodh Talai, Sajjangarh palace, Eklingji - 108 temples of 734 AD in marble (22 km), Nagda (Near Eklingji) - Sas Bahu temple and Adbudji Jain temple, Rishabdeoji temple (65 km), Ranakpur Adinath Jain temple complex (85 km).

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