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World > India > Museums > Museums Of Udaipur

Museums Of Udaipur


This vast museum has a variety of colorful peacocks is mosaic and painted tiles, In the Manak (Ruby) Mahal section, there are glass and porcelain figures, while the Krishna Vilas has a remarkable collection of miniatures, In the boldly striped floor of Bhim Vilas, are scenes from the Radha-Krishna stories painted on the walls. The Moti Mahal section has an array of beautiful mirror work. Timings: 9.30 a.m-4.45 p.m. Entry: Rs.65 for Indians, Rs.65 for foreigners.


A wide collection of folk art that gives glimpse of the tribal life of Rajasthan. Timings: 9.30 a.m-4.45 p.m. Entry: Rs.5 for Indians, Rs.10 for foreigners.


The main attractions are dresses, dolls, masks, musical instruments and paintings. The highlight of the museum is its puppets on display. Timings: 9.30 a.m-4.45 p.m. Entry: Rs.5 for Indians, Rs.10 for foreigners.

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