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Tourism > India > Tamilnadu > Temples in Tamilnadu > Tiruchendur temple

Murugan temple, Thiruchendur

The seashore temple is in the Thoothukudy district of Tamil Nadu, 55 km from Tirunelveli.


Brahmothsavam in the month of Magha (February – March), Vasanthothsavam for 10 days in Chaitra (April – May), Visaka Visakam for 12 days in Vaisakha (May – June) and Skandha Sashti in Asvini (October – November) are celebrated in this temple. Besides these, there are two Maha Utsavams called, in Tamil, as Aavanipperunthirunaal and Maasipperunthirunaal being conducted and celebrated in a grand fashion during Simharavi ie.,Tamil month of Aavani (August-September) and Kumbharavi ie., Tamil month of Maasi (January-February) respectively. These are 12 day festivals which happen twice every year, during the above said periods.

Naazhi Kinaru (sacred well), is outside the temple at a distance of 100 m south of the temple. Devotees are allowed to bathe by scooping out the water with a vessel and the water in the well never dries up. Despite the temple being on the seashore, the water is not salty.

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