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Tourism > India > Tamilnadu > Temples in Tamilnadu > Swamithoppe temple

Swamithoppe temple

Swamithope Ayya Vaikuntar Temple is in Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu. The temple, founded by Ayya Vaikuntar - regarded as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu - has no idol, but one can see a saffron cloth wrapped on a wooden jyoti or sacred flame with a mirror on the back. During the worship, people can see their own images along with the sacred flame. In the temple premises there is a well, believed to have been dug by Ayya Vaikuntar. Here devotees take bath before entering the temple.

The temple is open from 6.00 to 20.00 h. Inside the temple, men are not allowed to wear clothes above the waist, but need to cover the head with a cloth or towel. Fruits, flowers and coconuts are offered by the devotees. The main festival celebrated in this temple is the birthday of Ayya Vaikuntar, which falls on the Tamil month of Maasi (March-April). Large number devotees throng to this place on every Sunday for noon worship.

How To Reach

The temple is 15 km from Nagarcoil Railway Station by bus. Thiruvananthapuram International Airport is the nearest airport.

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