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India Tourism
Tourism > India > Gujrat > Gujrat Districts > Surat


Location: Bank of River Tapti

Distance: Approximately 260 km from Ahmedabad

Founded By: Gopi, a Nagar Brahmin (a legend)

Tourist Attractions: Dutch Garden, Rangupavan, Old Fort, etc

Best Time to Visit: October to March

Surat is the second largest city in Gujarat, quite famous from tourism point of view. It is located on the bank of River Tapti and was a major port in the 17th and 18th century. According to the popular belief, the city was founded by Gopi, a Nagar Brahmin, who rose to be the Prime Minister in the Sultanate of Gujarat, under Mahmud I and Muzaffar II. Apart from this, Surat also has the distinction of being the first European settlement in India. It was also host to the Dutch and the Portuguese. In the starting of the 17th century, the East India Company established its warehousing facility.

They destroyed the supremacy of the Portuguese over the port. Sir Thomas Roe went to the court of Emperor Jahangir to show his credentials as the ambassador of England. After this, the city was made the seat of presidency, under the East India Company. During the ancient era, Surat was used as the main port for the Muslim pilgrims to travel to Mecca for Haj. Today, the city is one of the prosperous cities in India. It has a flourishing Diamond industry and a major chunk of the world's diamonds are cut and polished here.

A lot of export is also done from the city. Large revenue is generated from the export done to US. Apart from this, Surat is also popular for sarees. It won't be an exaggeration to say that 1 out of every 5 sarees is manufactured here. During the festive and marriage season, people throng the city to buy sarees for the occasion. You get a wide variety at comparatively less rates. Surat is renowned for its fine silk and exquisite brocades like the Tanchoi, Gajri and Kinkhab styles, woven with gold and silver threads.

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