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Tourism > India > Tamilnadu > Temples in Tamilnadu > Srivilliputtur temple

Srivilliputtur temple

Srivilliputhur (Srivilliputtur or Thiruvilliputtur) is located in Viruthunagar district, Tamilnadu. It is the birth place of two Alwars (Devotee of Lord Vishnu) namely Periyalwar and Andal. There are two big temples which are dedicated to Andal and Vadapadrasayi (Lord Vishnu), located at the center of the town. Vadapadrasayi temple has the 2nd tallest tower in Tamilnadu, built in 8th century. The temple car belongs to this temple is one of the largest in India. It is decorated with carvings from the scriptures. There is an another big temple dedicated to Lord Siva.

There is also a wild life sanctuary which is located 10 km away from this town in the Western Ghats. This is the only home for the giant grizzled squirrels.

How To Reach

The nearest airport is Madurai, 75 km away. It is well connected by road.

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