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India Tourism
India > Hill Stations > Jammu & Kashmir > Sonmarg



SONMARG (2740 m, 81 km from Srinagar) - It is ascenic place on the Jammu-Srinagar highway at the foot of Zoji la pass. Sonmarg is a popular location for many Bollywood films. The main attractions are 'Meadows of gold', flowers, Tajiwas glacier (4 km) & Khajiar glacier.

Amarnath (3900 m) - Cave with ice Shiv lingam which waxes and wanes with moon, Pahalgam to Chandanwari by jeep, trek to Panchtarani via Sheshnag and then to cave (40 km), Return to Baltal in 4 days; BALTAL - Base camp for trekking to Amarnath cave (15*2 km, in a day). Season : June to Sept. Baltal is 20 km from Sonmarg.

Amarnath Yatra Photo Gallery

1. Sonmarg to Cathedral peak via Lashimarg and Nichinai (3620 m, 13 km).

2. From Nichinai trek to Vishansar & Kishansar lakes via Ram Patri (3818 m, 13 km) after crossing 4080 m range.

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