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India Tourism
World > India > Museums > Government Museum, Mandor

Government Museum, Mandor

About 8 km from Jodhpur, Mandor was the capital of Marwar. This enchanting place having beautifully carved cenotaphs, hall of heroes, palaces and an old fort, is of immense historical importance. The Janana Mahal, which was built for the use of royal ladies by Maharaja Ajit Singh (1671-1724 AD) in Mandor Garden, has been developed as a museum.

The Natural History section has an African Bison and a crocodile of 11 feet. The long Art Gallery exhibits large paintings of Maharajas of Jodhpur and events in their lives. There is a complete section of miniature paintings on Raga-Raganis.

The museum also has sculptures of gods and goddesses, mentionable among them being the statue of the Dancer (12th century AD) and carving of Krishanleela on one big stone found from Kiradu. The carving in Devals, Dalan, Chattris and Ek Thamba tower make the Mandor museum an example of architecture.

Timings : 10 am-4.30 pm, Closed on Friday & gazetted holidays.

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