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India > Lakshadweep >Lakshadweep Adventure

Lakshadweep Adventure

A Tropical Paradise for nature lovers, Lakshadweep is virtual heaven for all adventure lovers and especially for water sport enthusiasts. The amalgamation of sun, sand and sea prove to be a perfect setting for indulging in adventure sports in Lakshadweep. There is so much to be experienced in Lakshadweep that no matter how long you stay here, it always feels insufficient. Being Coral islands, Lakshadweep offers its guest some of the best diving spots in world. The warm, clear and clean waters provide a wonderful opportunity for snorkellers to explore the enchanting underwater world of colorful corals and marine life. You need not to be an expert of diving or snorkeling from the start to enjoy the best of Lakshadweep. There are well known and internationally recognized diving schools in Lakshadweep that impart lessons to novice as well as professional divers. The qualified instructors make the experience of Lakshadweep adventure ever so pleasurable. And if you wish to relax in the middle of the ocean, you can opt for yachting or angling.

Water Sports

Lakshadweep is the undisputed leader as far as water sports are concerned. In fact, Lakshadweep attracts such high number of visitors not only due to its natural beauty, but also for the splendid facilities available for numerous adventure sports. The shimmering blue lagoons invite you to just jump in and swim your way out of fatigue and tiredness. Scuba diving and snorkeling are the two most indulged in water sports in Lakshadweep.

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving in Lakshadweep is not only exciting but unthinkably thrilling as well. Swimming alongside schools of multi colored fishes, exploring the coral wonders from as close as one can, is an experience well beyond words. Scuba diving requires a great deal of practice before you can actually enjoy the activity. You need to get accustomed to all the gears and equipments one needs to carry, but once you are acquainted to it, nothing surpasses the feeling.


Snorkeling is a far easier but equally enchanting sport as scuba diving. Snorkeling is perfect for children and aged people who are not very comfortable in deep waters. Though there are certain tricks that are needed to be learned before you indulge in Snorkeling. The calm waters of Lakshadweep only add to the magic of this adventure sport.

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