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Tourism > India > Tamilnadu > Glimpses of Tamilnadu > Lake at Ooty

Lake at Ooty

Ooty Lake has emerged as one of the foremost tourist attractions of Ooty in recent years. The Lake and the Boat House has been the major entertainment hub of the large number of tourists who flock to this beautiful hill station all throughout the year and particularly in the summer months.

Ooty Lake is an artificial lake that owes its construction to the first Collector of Ooty, John Sullivan. The original intention was to construct an irrigation tank but finally the lake was dredged out in the years 1823-1825. The lake has an irregular L shape and stretches for more than 2 km in length. The width of the lake varies at regular intervals. The over all area of this well known lake that is definitely a must see on any sight seeing trip of Ooty is about one and a half square miles.

The Ooty Lake is just behind the main bus stand of Ooty and the railway line runs along one of the banks of the lake itself. There is a Boat House at the far end of the lake. Right from 8'o clock in the morning to 6'o clock in the evening boats are available for hire at this boat house. It is really very enjoyable to do boating in this serene stretch and admire the beauty of the picturesque surrounding. Both rowing boat and paddle boat are available for all those who love boating.

In the summer months when tourist inflow is at its height, the Ooty Lake is the venue of boat races and boat pageantry. This draws many visitors. Fishing is also allowed at Ooty Lake but prior permission of the authorities is required. Head straight to buy the baits but only after you have obtained permission.

Other added attractions particularly for the children are the park with the toy train and the garden. They will also thoroughly enjoy the rides on the local ponies just outside the boat house. Moreover the entire lake is encircled with a footpath and it is indeed a very pleasurable experience to be walking along it. The overall ambiance is pleasant.

How To Reach

Can be reached by bus or rail from Coimbatore (95 km). Broad gauge train route is up to Mettupalayam and from there a toy train takes one to the famous hill station Ooty. The toy train route is UNESCO's World Heritage Route - 16 tunels, 31 bridges, 326 m to 2193 m , 1899 AD, 46 km in 4.5 hour.


Muthumalai (60 km) and Bandipur Wild life Sanctuaries (80 km) are worth a visit.

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