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India > Forts & Monuments > North India - Rajasthan >Kumbhalgarh Fort

Kumbhalgarh Fort

Kumbhalgarh  Fort

Eighty four km from Udaipur, this is the most important fort in the Mewar region after Chittorgarh. It's an isolated and fascinating place, built by Maharana Kumbha in the 15th century and, due to its inaccessibility on top of the Aravalli range at 1100 meters, it was taken only once in its history. Even then, it took the combined armies of the Mughal emperor, Akbar, and those of Amber and Marwar to breach its defences. It was here that the rulers of Mewar retreated in times of danger. The walls of the fortress stretch some 12 km and enclose many temples, palaces, gardens and water-storage facilities. The fort was renovated in last century.

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