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Tourism > India > Tamilnadu > Temples in Tamilnadu > Kumbakonam temple

Adi Kumbeswarar Temple, Kumbakonam

The famous Hindu festival of Mahamaham is associated with Adi Kumbeswarar Temple of Kumbakonam. The Mahamaham festival takes place once every 12 years during the Tamil Month of Masi (February/March), when lakhs of pilgrims from various parts of India visit Kumbakonam to take a holy bath in the sacred Mahamaham tank which is located in the heart of the town.

Shri Adhi Kumbeswara (Lord Shiva) is the presiding deity of Kumbakonam and Manthrapeeteswari Mangalambika is the Lord's Consort. The temple complex is huge (area of 2,803.9 m2) and has beautiful artwork, is more than 1300 years old.

Famous Dasuram temple is 3 km from Kumbakonam.

How to Reach

It is 40 km north of Tanjavur by NH 45 C, well connected by road transport.

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