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Karur District


In earlier days Karur Taluk was a part of Coimbatore district. During 1910 this Karur Taluk was merged with Tiruchirappalli district. A separate Karur district was formed on 30th September 1995 by trifurcating Tiruchirappalli district. Initially, Karur District was carved out of the composite Tiruchirapalli district, consisting of three taluks namely, Karur, Kulithalai and Manaparai. Subsequently Manaparai Taluk was decoupled and Musiri Taluk was included in Karur District. Later Musiri Taluk was separated from Karur District.


Karur District, with headquarters at Karur, is the most centrally located district of Tamil Nadu. It is located at about 371 km south west of Chennai. The four boundaries of Karur district can be mentioned as Namakkal District in the north, Dindigul District in the south, Tiruchirapalli District on the east and Erode District on the west.

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