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India > Karnataka > Karnataka Government

Karnataka Government

The Karnataka Government is a democratically elected body where the Governor is the head of the State. Although the Governor is the head of the government in Karnataka, yet the Karnataka Government works under the leadership of the Chief Minister of Karnataka.

The Chief Minister along with his council of ministers remains in-charge of the Karnataka Government.

Karnataka Government has been divided into four major revenue divisions, 49 sub-divisions, 27 districts, 175 taluks, and 745 revenue circles for the sake of administration.

Talking about the political and administrative reorganization of the Karnataka Government, it can be said that Karnataka took its present shape in 1956.

Further, the State Legislature of the Karnataka Government is comprised of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council. The Legislative Assembly of Karnataka Government consists of 224 members, with one of the candidate selected by the Karnataka Governor himself.

Besides, the Judiciary is also an integral part of the Karnataka Government. The Judiciary in Karnataka include a high court in Bangalore, district courts, as well as some Taluq centers.

Talking about the administrative department of the Karnataka Government, we can say that a district is the administrative geographical unit headed by the Deputy Commissioner or the District Magistrate. The District Commissioner of Police in Karnataka is entrusted with the responsibility of looking after the law and order of Karnataka.

Moreover, Karnataka Government is dominated by political parties, viz.: Congress and the Janata Party. The present Chief Minister of Karnataka, HD Kumarasamy belongs to the Janata Party; whereas the deputy Chief Minister, BS Yediyuppa hails from the Bharatiya Janata Party, the party that occupies the next position after Janata Party in Karnataka.

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