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India > Karnataka > Kannada Essentials

Kannada Essentials

Kannada Conversation

Tiffin - Thindi
Go - Hogi
Cost - Bele
Please - Dayavittuna
How much - Yestu
Vacate - Khali Madi
Festival - Habba
Key - Bigadakai
Fare - Chargu
Bill - Lekka
Route - Daari
Awake me - Ebbisu
Direction - Dikku
Cloth - Batte
Morning - Beligge
One - Ondhu
Food - Oota
Come - Banni
Rupee - Roppayyee
Hire - Badige
Water - Neeru
Distance - Doora
Traveller - Prayanika
Address - Vilasa
Washerman - Agasa
Office - Karyalaya
Quick - Begane
Accompany - Joteyalli
Vegetarian - Shakhahari
Non Vegetarian - Mamsahari
Cooked Rice - Anna
Washing - Ogeyuvudhu
Thank You - Dhanyavadagalu

Please direct me - Nanage dari Thorisi
Where is it ? - Adhu yelli Idae ?
Where is that ? - Adhu yenu ?
What is the distance ? - Yestu Doora ?
Show me the way - Daari Thorisi
I want to see - Nany noda Beku
Too much - Thumba jasti
I want a room - Nanage ondhu roomu beku
Can you help me ? - Nanage sahaya Madutherra ?

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