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India Tourism
Tourism > India > Gujrat > Gujrat Districts >Jamnagar


Location: Jamnagar District

Founded In: 1540 AD

Founded By: Jam Raval

Tourist Attractions: Bala Hanuman Temple, Shiva Temples, Jain Temples, etc

Best Time to Visit: October to March

Jamnagar is an industrial city located in the state of Gujarat. It was founded by Jam Raval in 1540 AD, who chose it to be the capital of his kingdom. The initial name of the city, located on the confluence of the two rivers Nagmati and Rangmati, was Nawanagar. Most of the construction in the city was done by Maharaja Kumar Shri Ranjitsinhji in 1920s. The famous cricketer Jam Ranjitsinhji also belonged to the royal family and was the Prince of the region.

When he acquired the throne, he contributed immensely to the growth and development of Jamnagar. He employed European town planning techniques to restructure the new parts of the city. He was advised by Sir Edward Lutynes, architect of New Delhi. Jamnagar was transformed using urban design elements. Structures like axial roads, arcades, markets, entrance gates, clock towers; town square, parks, gardens and residential plots were added to the ancient city.

Apart from this, the city is also dotted by many religious shrines. This has made it an important spiritual center. For this matter of fact, Jamnagar is also known as 'Chhoti Kashi'. Besides, the city is a hub of big industrial houses. India's largest private company, Reliance Industries has established one of the world's largest refineries at Moti Khadvi village. Essar Oil, another big refinery of the country, also comes from Jamnagar.

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