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India > Gujrat >Gujarat Temples

Gujrat Beaches


Gujarat has the longest coastline of all the states in India. As a result, the state and its neighboring Union Territories offer a plethora of beaches. These beaches are the finest in the country and attract a huge number of tourists every year. The pristine waters, soft sands and rich flora and fauna are their main attractions. You can relax and unwind amidst the natural serene surroundings. It's a promise that your trip to these exotic beaches of Gujarat will provide you with an unforgettable experience. Apart from this, the towns located near the beaches have immense possibilities for sightseeing. They house a number of historical forts, palaces, churches and museums worth seeing.

Ahmedpur Mandvi Beach
Chorwad Beach
Diu Beach
Gopnath Beach
Kutch Mandvi Beach

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