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India > Forts & Monuments > Diu


Diu Fort, Gujrat

Diu Fort

Among the places of tourist interest, the Fort of Diu occupies a prominent position. It is an expansive and imposing structure, situated on the coast of the island. The fort commands a magnificent view of sea. It was constructed between 1535 and 1541 AD after a defence alliance, concluded by the Bahadurshah, Sultan of Gujarat, and the Portuguese when the former was attacked by Humayun, the Mughal Emperor.

The fort is skirted by the sea on the three sides. On the Fort stands a giant structure now housing a lighthouse. A couple of mounds of iron shells can be seen even today inside the fort. Several canons still stare menacingly from top and some are peeping out of the holes on the walls of this gigantic structure. The main front wall of Diu fort having five huge windows with stone galleries. A strange mist shrouds the entire fort. It is more conspicuous during winter nights when fog spreads all around, and the lighthouse gives off a misty light.

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