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India Tourism
India > Forts & Monuments > North India - Rajasthan > Dholapur



The old historic city was initially named Dhawalpuri after the ruler Dhawal Deo who built the city at a site little south of the present city and later people started calling it Dholpur. Was a small state but it had a very trubulent history. Its strategic location on the main route from Kabul and Delhi to Deccan and its proximity to cities like Gwalior, Agra and Bayana attracted attention of almost all powerful kings and rulers of Delhi and Agra. Though the rulers of Dholpur resisted the invasions with valour. It was, time and again, occupied by the invading forces and suffered plunder and devastation. Sikander Lodi attacked and occupied Dholpur in 1501 AD. His forces plundered the city and even uprooted all the gardens that shaded Dholpur. It was again invaded by Babar in 1526 AD. During Humayun's regime the site of Dholpur town was moved northwards to avoid erosion by the river historic importance, located towards the south of Dholpur town. Another place of architectural beauty and importance is an ancient temple of Lord Shiva. This temple is located near the Gwalior-Agra road and is worth a visit.

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