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India > Andra Pradesh > Destiantions In Andhra Pradesh

Destinations In Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh lies on the south west coast region of India. Dotted with pristine beaches, green hill tops, wildlife jungles, colossal forts and monuments, the cities of Andhra Pradesh are full of surprises. Hyderabad, the capital city is adorned with the world famous Char Minar monument, Golconda Fort, Salarjung Museum and much more. Besides its monumental attractions, Andhra Pradesh is also famous as a pilgrimage site. Triputi temple is riches and most visited temple in entire India. On your travel vacations in India, visit this beautiful state of India and explore its hidden treasures.

Hyderabad Tourism
Vijayawada Travel Guide
Srisailam Vacations
Tirupati Travel Guide
Nagarjuna Sagar

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