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Tourism > India > Tamilnadu > Temples in Tamilnadu > Chidambaram temple

Chidambaram temple

Chidambaram is a major pilgrimage site for Shaivites as well as Vaishnavites in Cuddalore district. The historic Chidambaram Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva in His form of the Cosmic Dancer as well as to Lord Govindaraja Perumal, making it one of the few temples where both the Shaivite and Vaishnavite deities are enshrined in one place. It is one of the panchabhoota sthalam - representing five basic elements. This is the Akasa Sthalam representing 'Space' among the Pancha Bootha Sthalams. The others are - Tiruvannamalai (Thejo sthalam - Fire), Kanchipuram (Prithvi sthalam - Earth), Kalahasti (Vayu sthalam - Air), Tiruvanaikaval (Appu sthalam - Water). The temple houses the Akasha Lingam of Shiva. The Govindaraja shrine was opened in 1639 C.E. by a Telugu/Kannada Nayak chief of that area. It hosts the most ancient set of 108 Karana stone carvings, the key dance movements of Nataraja. The temple complex is spread over 40 acres in the heart of the city.

How to Reach

It is 240 km south of Chennai by rail. It is 75 km (north) from Kumbakonam by NH 45 C/227. Pichavaram forest is nearby.

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