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Tourism > India > Gujrat > Gujrat Districts >Bharuch


Bharuch city is situated in the Bharuch district of Gujarat. It is located on the banks of River Narmada and is a major sea port and the administrative headquarter of the district. Due to this reason, a number of trade activities have flourished here. The climate is also greatly affected due to the proximity with the river. Travel and tourism is slowly flourishing in the city. Bharuch is addressed by several names due to the trade between East and West countries, which comprised mainly of silk and spices.

In the ancient times, it was a small village and was considered as sacred by the sages. Many of them came here to pray. According to Hindu mythology, the great Asura king, Mahabali conducted a great yagna. A Brahmin boy named Vaman came to interrupt his ritual and eventually put an end to his regime. Though there is water scarcity in Gujarat, one never finds water problem in Bharuch. There are a plenty of agricultural and industrial activities flourishing in the city. Nearby village people throng the city for shopping.

It is one of the heavily industrialized cities in Gujarat. There are a number of chemical plants here, producing fertilizers, paints, dyes, cotton, textiles and dairy products. Gujarat's biggest Liquid cargo terminal is also situated here. Many multinational companies have set up heir manufacturing units in and around Bharuch. It is one of the most densely populated districts in terms of industrial population. People can enjoy leisure activities in parks maintained by the Municipal Corporation.

Apart from this, there are auditoriums and libraries in the city where you can enjoy cultural programs and effectively utilize your time. You can enjoy some Bollywood masala movies at the cinema halls dotting the city. For the shopaholics, there are a number of shopping malls and complexes where you can shop till you drop. The markets of Bharuch are also good places to get things at reasonable prices. The salty Peanuts of Bharuch are world famous, so don't forget to buy some.

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