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India > Hill Stations > Karnataka > B. R. Hills

B. R. Hills

B R Hill

120 km from Mysore & 247 km from Bangalore, the Biligirirangana range of hills are picturesquely situated between the Cauvery & Kapila rivers. At a height of 5,091 feet above sea level, this hill stretches from north to south for about 16 km.

As the day quietly slips into night, watch the stars come out, one by one. The moon casts a silver light. And some where in the distance you hear a tiger roar. How close you are to nature and how peaceful life is here! Isn't this just what the doctor ordered?


The Biligirirangaswamy temple - Situated on top of the highest peak, this ancient temple gives Biligirirangana Betta its name. The deity in the temple is Venkatesha, popular as Ranganatha.

The Biligirirangaswamy temple sanctuary - Spread across 540 sq km, this sanctuary is home to gaur, chital, sambar, elephants, tigers, panthers and bears.

Kanchikote - These are the ruins of an old fort stated to have been built by the Gangaraja of Shivanasamudra.

Himvad Gopalaswamy Hills in Mysore District is situated in the verdant Western Chats. The hills are a trekker's delight and a popular holiday resort too. Situated atop the Hill is the Gopalaswamy temple.

Where to stay

Deluxe Tent Camp, Rest House,
Contact - Jungle Lodges & Resorts Ltd.
II Floor, Shrungar Shopping Centre,
M.G. Road, Bangalore-560 001.
Ph: 91-80-5597025 Fax: 91-80-5586163.

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