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India > Forts & Monuments > North India - Rajasthan >Amber Fort

Amber Fort, Jaipur

Amber Fort

Overlooking the Delhi Jaipur highway, the image of the Amber Fort is beautifully reflected in the lake below. Within the fort lies the famous Jai Mandir (temple) with its world renowned Sheesh Mahal, a hall full of mirrors. The walls and the ceiling of the Mahal are covered with a beautiful array of mirrors which reflects any streak of light, so as to illuminate the entire room. Located at 9 km north west of Jaipur, the Amber fort was once the Capital of the Minas.

Falling under the Golden Triangle, and being visited by millions of domestic and foreign tourists, the city of Jaipur is a place of high tourist interest. The Pink City, as commonly known, has all sorts of amenities for domestic and foreign tourists. Hotels ranging from 5 star to low budgets are available as it attracts high tourist traffic in winters. The city is well connected by Rail, Road and Air and also covered by "Palace on Wheels", "The Royal Orient" a super luxurious (emperor style) trains providing full fledged package tours covering number of places of high tourist interest.

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